Tectonica Announced As Foundry Cup Finalist
- Posted at 2:37 am in Uncategorized

Tectonica is pleased to announce that it has been selected as a Foundry Cup finalist. The American pitch competition aims to bring people, ideas and technology together to target the nation’s pressing needs. The Portable Power focus for this year aims to find disruptive technologies that help emergency first responders, the military and developing communities without access to grid power.
Tectonica’s BANTAM, a wearable power and data management and distribution system, liberates military and law enforcement officers from heavy and inefficient power sources. Enabling equipment to more efficiently access power and increasing the use of alternative power sources, such as vehicle, scavenged and solar power, BANTAM ensures soldiers and officers can spend longer in the field, with less reliance on supply chains.
“Tectonica is very proud to have its BANTAM system recognized as an effective and disruptive solution to the power concerns of more technologically enabled forces and communities,” David Levy, Tectonica Managing Director said. Andrew Chang, Eastern Foundry managing partner and co-founder, told DC Inno, “With the modern soldier spending 5-7 days in the field away from reliable power, and not enough time to set up and break down solar cells, the military is in dire need of a fast and easily deployable energy source.
“Foundry Cup Final will take place on the 25th of March in Arlington VA, where Tectonica will pitch to the Cup’s panel of judges. The panel boasts a respected group of Defense and Energy specialists, and Technology venture capitalists, including Kyle Teamey, the Tech Lead for Energy Investments at In-Q-Tel, Hon. Sharon Burke, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy and Tom Morehouse, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for operational Energy plans and Programs.