Tectonica Supports EPE Technology Demo Days
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Tectonica Australia Pty Ltd is proud to be supporting Explosive Protective Equipment (EPE) Technology Demonstration Days. Held in Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne the demonstration days will enable visitors to view EPEs latest range of advanced technology products.
On display will be Tactical, IEDD, Search and Dog Handling Soldier Systems, Electronic Counter Measures (ECM), Fused Data Logging, Surveillance and Tracking systems, as well as a demonstration of a complete range of Mini and Micro ROV’s for search and C-IED Operations.
In addition, we’ll also have on hand a representation of the soft walled shelter technologies and support equipment in use by the US DOD. This event will feature a Live Fire demonstration of EPEs new Lightweight / Disposable andBinary Explosive Disruption capabilities.
Tectonica will demonstrate a range of Ultralife Corporation (http://ultralifecorporation.com) battery and energy products and Tectonica representatives will be on-hand to provide technical advice in-support of your power needs. As EPEs integration partner, we will also be available to discuss integration support for vehicle, shelter and dismounted applications.
The EPE Technology Demonstration Days promise to be an informative hands-on experience, helping you meet your capability challenges.