The modern battle-space includes a complex spectrum of unseen threats and capabilities. Achieving decisive operational results requires the successful implementation of capable Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (C4IEW) systems. Defence and government customers have sought Tectonica’s services in vehicle integration, installation and the through life support of vehicle and dismounted (C4IEW) systems. With these capabilities evolving at a fast rate, Tectonica provides rapid delivery and ongoing support to enable customers to stay ahead of evolving threats. We do this by monitoring technology advances and through our partnerships with Electronic Warfare Solutions (EWS) and Explosive Protective Equipment we keep up to date with evolving operational environments.
To counter road side bombs and other Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), you need good intelligence and technologically sophisticated electronic counter measures (ECM). In collaboration with its partners Kinnersely and Explosive Protective Equipment, Tectonica integrates Counter-IED software support tools that help target and remove the IED threat before it can cause casualties.
Identifying, classifying and acting against a modern multi-spectral threat requires sophisticated, automated systems. Through its international partnerships, Tectonica has demonstrated modern, light weight tactical Electronic Warfare capabilities and can deliver tactical effects training through its partnership with EWS. Militaries and governments around the world have benefitted from the training EWS has provided. Their experience and current knowledge means that customers receive training that ranges from initial operator training through to in-theatre tactical skills training that can be immediately applied.