Tectonica Awards the Got a Great App Idea Competition Winner
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Tectonica Australia is pleased to announce that Scott Wilson has won the Got a Great App Idea competition. His idea for a mobile application containing pre-enlistment information for family and friends of new recruits has been awarded $5,000 and will be developed by Tectonica over the coming months.
Scott described his idea as providing the family and friends of a new recruit with generic training information to inform them about life in the military. Wilson revealed, “The idea came as a result of spouses mentioning at the Defence Community Organisation Defence Families’ Forum, that they often had no prior knowledge of the culture and lifestyle they were joining with a partner in the ADF.”
The idea was awarded the winning prize for its potential to help partners, family, and friends more easily understand the unique nature of Defence life. It hopes to help reduce family-related issues that could eventually lead to discharge.
The competition challenged the Defence Community to enter Defence related App ideas. Tectonica received a great response, demonstrating the many opportunities for Defence related Apps to improve capability.
“With DMO releasing a tender for secure mobile devices in October 2012, we couldn’t have timed this competition better,” Managing Director of Tectonica, Miles Partridge said. “As part of Defence Industry it falls to us to support DMO in the acquisition of any technology that can make the ADF as capable as possible.”
Tectonica would like to thank all those who entered the Got a Great App Idea Competition.